Dr. Gabriel "Tony" Anthony Martin 
November 11, 1957 - October 23, 2016
Freeman King (North Logan, UT)

My dear friend, my brother, what can I say other than damn it, you left too soon; but, we still have an eternity to explore the vastness of the universe and bask on Heaven's shores. It goes without saying that you will be missed on this side of the rainbow, but hang tough Tony, this separation will not last forever.

It's been a great 8-second ride and your friendship will be cherished into the eternities. We were always there for one another through sunshine or rain; through tears or laughter. We called it a celebration of life. Knowing full well that for every mountaintop, there is always a valley; but for every valley, there is always another mountaintop.

Enjoy your celebration, and God be with you until we meet again.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


susan foster (Rochester, NY)

While I did not have the opportunity to get to know Tony well I know of his many accomplishments and his dedication to the education of deaf and hard of hearing students.

I am very sad to learn of his passing and know that many in our field will miss him. His legacy will live in in all the work he has done in our field over his lifetime.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Harold A Johnson (Cuyahoga Falls, OH)

I was so very sorry to learn of Tony's death. He was a valued friend and colleague. He was also an individual who had worked both hard and effectively so that individuals who are deaf/hard of hearing would be recognized for the abilities, dreams and accomplishments.

Tony will be missed for his laugh, his drive, his dedication and his friendship.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Diane Bass (Beaumont, TX)

I knew Tony when we were students at Lamar. He was so much fun. I learned how to relax and enjoy the journey with him. He had a career that most would be envious of by doing what he loved with those who loved him. I will miss knowing that he is inspiring students with his experience and leadership. But I know that he influenced so many to be better than they knew they could be. You will be missed by so many. My prayers are with Tony's family and friends.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Sandy Bowen (Greeley, CO)

I am very sorry for your loss. Tony was an extremely kind person. The field of deaf education and particularly ACEDHH will miss his guidance and leadership.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016


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