Dr. Gabriel "Tony" Anthony Martin 
November 11, 1957 - October 23, 2016
Suzanne (TX)

I'm so sorry loss family and wife . I know Tony every day He alway check us in classroom at South Park High School . He was wonderful teacher great man. Then I was work staff assistance I m prayer him peace life bless his wife too. Keep faith be with God send angle around with you .
God Bless y'all

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Kay & Bruce Broussard (Lumberton, UT)

We were greatly saddened to hear of Tony's death. He was one of the most courteous, generous, and kindest persons we have ever known. -Tony was in the very first Sign Lang-
uage class ever taught at Lamar. He kept the class uplifted by his antics and made it fun to learn. He pursued his gift of learning Sign Language, which obviously, was one of his callings in life and that led to much bigger and better things. His pursuit in this area led him to become one of the best teachers and interpreters for deaf persons, as well as, leaders in Deaf Education.- Tony will be missed by those who knew him, especially his deaf friends - We pray that God will grant grace and peace to his family at this time of sadness.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Dr. Sam Slike (Philadelphia, PA)

Tony was a great friend and colleague. His heart was as big as Texas. His laugh was even bigger. I loved his stories, jokes, and anecdotes. He always had a kind word for everyone he met and was a true gentleman. I had the pleasure of working with Tony on CED accreditation visits and paper reviews for over 10 years and he was the ultimate professional. The field of Deaf Ed benefited greatly from the work of Gabriel Anthony Martin. We will miss you Tony!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Theresa Battaglia (Nederland, TX)

Brother I don't know how to say good-bye. You are my heart and one of my best friends. We told each other everything! I trusted you with my deepest thoughts and fears and knew you would handle them with care. I don't know what to do now with out you. Our love as a brother and sister was something very special and I will treasure it always. I will treasure the time you stayed with me and all of our talks. Thanks for trusting me with your life. I hope I make you proud. You sure made me proud. You made a difference in this world. You are so loved. Sing with the angels brother. I will meet you on the other side.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Courtney John (Houston, TX)

Uncle Tony will be missed. My condolences to the Martin children, family and friends.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016


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