Dr. Gabriel "Tony" Anthony Martin 
November 11, 1957 - October 23, 2016
Greg Thompson (Beaumont, TX)

Tony and I became acquainted in Fall 2011 when, as a new chair, I began meeting with CID, and Tony had agreed to serve as the chair of that group. Our friendship grew, and I was the chief beneficiary of that. His counsel was always valuable and wise. I will miss our Crackerbarrel breakfasts together every semester. Rest in peace, Tony. I hope to take up the friendship again on the other side.
Monday, November 7, 2016


Damara ()

My Love,
I could not write this before. It was just too hard to believe you were gone. Your funeral service was beautiful. So many people came to pay their respects at the visitation and during mass. You were so loved by so many. Anyone who met you either liked or loved you. The love you have for people shone through your wonderful smile, and the twinkle in your eyes. The ACTS brothers came to sing for you. There were so many--the line of brothers coming to the alter seemed never-ending. If you could see the tributes your students, colleagues, and people in the church and community provided on Facebook, e-mails, and directly to me, you would have been so touched. Jan posted a video of you singing Amazing Grace and playing your guitar, and people have been so moved by this.

My heart is breaking that you are not here with me. Your love for me was deep--unconditional! Thank you for being you and loving me. I miss you so much, my sweet husband, and your hugs and kisses. I promise to keep you deeply anchored in my heart for the rest of my life. All the beautiful memories of our travels, our laughter and teasing, the meals we enjoyed, the daily talks, will be cherished forever. I can't wait to go be with you in heaven, Yona. Enjoy your time with Jesus and the angels until I can get there.

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Dr. Debbie Haydon (Lexington, KY)

My deepest sympathies to Tony's family. I am sorry for your loss. I know you will treasure the wonderful memories that you and Tony have created together. Tony was a very special person. He was a dedicated professional with a deep passion for his work and the people he served. He was also a caring, fun-loving person. I feel privileged to have known Tony through ACEDHH and CED. He will be greatly missed.
Friday, November 4, 2016


Violet Arena (Beaumont,, TX)

My deepest sympathy to the family, and especially to my cousin Lilly. May you all be in God's peace.

Friday, November 4, 2016


Esther Diaz (Austin, TX)

It was so sad to learn of Tony's death. He was a highly respected colleague, a kind friend and a gentle giant.
He taught us so much about Deaf culture and education while serving on the Advisory Committee on Qualifications for Healthcare Translators and Interpreters. He will be sorely missed!

Thursday, November 3, 2016


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