John "Jack" Mistrot 
October 24, 1926 - May 21, 2016
Steve Hammer (Willis, TX)

Jack Mistrot influenced me greatly. I had him as my 5th grade teacher at Sallie Curtis. My family still recounts warm stories of that year. I am certain that he has touched many others lives as significantly as he did mine. I can only hope that the traces that I leave in others' lives are as meaningful as his were in mine.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Alma Jo Langston (Charlotte, NC)

Our family sends deepest sympathy to the Mistrot family. We have wonderful memories of our years together at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and Caldwood Elementary School. God's blessings on each of you. "And now may the grace..."
Monday, May 30, 2016


Kaye Reviere (Kingwood)

I taught Kindergarten at Blanchette under Jack. I remember talking serious business with him as we walked down the hall. All of the sudden he pulled a quarter from behind my ear! He knew how to keep things fun!
Sunday, May 29, 2016


Patricia Velzeboer (Beaumont, TX)

I'm so sorry to hear of Jack's passing. I had the privilege of getting to know him volunteering with Oasis at Trinity Methodist Church. I taught and retired from Sallie Curtis Elementary School and remember Mr. Mistrot visiting the school and doing his magic for the children there in the 1980s. While volunteering, Jack would tell me that he was a principal at Curtis and knew that I worked there, too. He was such a joy with which to work. I shall miss him. Rest in peace, Jack. A fellow teacher
Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Charlotte Wynkoop Boling (Beaumont, TX)

I was sorry to hear of Mr. Mistrot's death, but remember him well in life! He was my school bus driver at one time. He was a fun & very kind man. He'll be missed by a lot of us. Beth Anne, your children & grandchildren, I send my condolences and prayers to you at this sorrowful time.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016


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