Samuel E. "Buster" Mobley 
June 20, 1924 - August 29, 2015
Donna Stutts (Kountze, TX)

Buster was our neighbor for the last 23 years. David and I will surely miss his quiet kindness and goodness. The last time I saw him at church, he was holding Travis's arm helping him walk to their Sunday School class. What an impression this made on me when I knew his own health was failing. This world needs more Christian men like Buster. Please know you all are in my prayers.
Friday, September 4, 2015


ken rosso (spring)

We were fortunate enough to have shared 23 years of our lives with a great man who was a shining example of quiet manners and a person who exhibited outstanding Christian values in his everyday life. He came into our family's lives following one of the darkest monents. He was a great husband to my mother-in law and treated her and all of our family with love and respect. Some of my fondest memories of Buster were the many days we spent together at his homestead in Village Mills during hunting season sharing stories of how he grew up as a little boy in Central Texas. How he served his Country in the Pacific, then came home and started his family while working as a machinist, then how he went about raising three daughters when his wife passed. In retrospect I think we had more fun sharing those stories than we did spending time in the woods hunting. Many would say that Buster was a man of few words, but when he did say something it was either positive or very funny. I can never recall hearing him say a dispariging thing about anyone, because thats not who he was. He was always willing to help others and would always have words of encouragement to share. Now many can say these words about the recently departed but all that knew him can attest to the truth of them. I am very grateful for the many years of knowing him. I am very grateful for the life lessons I have learned from hearing his stories. I will always think of his Christian example and how he carried himself, and I will like this World a whole lot less now that he is gone because Lord knows that we need more men like him here. Rest in Peace.

Friday, September 4, 2015


Kyndal Eddins (Lumberton)

Buster you were the only grandpa I knew on my dads side but that didn't matter because I loved you so much. I'm gonna miss all your home grown foods from your garden and all the wonderful memories we had you were a blessing in my life and so many others. I know you are in heaven now with the Lord and that's a way better place then here. Rest in peace Buster we love you.
Friday, September 4, 2015


Diane Safer Warner (Cypress, TX)

Cheryl, Pam and Tina

I have so many memories staying in Houston and Village Mills at Uncle Buster and Aunt Ann's homes. We had so much fun from riding horses down to Wildwood or just being around our big family on the farm. Uncle Buster was always so sweet to me with a big smile which accompanied his hospitality.

You sure were a kind man, Uncle Buster.


Thursday, September 3, 2015


Mary Beth (Warren, TX)

Uncle Buster you'll always be loved and missed
Monday, August 31, 2015


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