Nancy Stanton Harmer
November 30, 1932 - August 16, 2016
Nancy Stanton
Harmer, 83, of Nederland, died Tuesday, August 16, 2016. She was born on
November 30, 1932, in McAlester, Oklahoma, to Pauline Brown Stanton and William
Ray Stanton.
Nancy enjoyed
reading, sewing, and painting. She was a wonderful cook and everything she did,
she did well.
include her husband, Roger Harmer of Nederland; sister, Shirley Stanton of
Nederland; and nephews, Edward Stanton
Gajeske of Nederland and William Michael Gajeske of Sour Lake. She was preceded
in death by her parents.
contributions may be made in Mrs. Harmer’s memory to American Cancer Society, #
4 Bayou Brandt, Suite B, Beaumont, Texas 77706 and St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105.
arrangements will be under the direction of Broussard’s Crematorium, Beaumont.