Evelyn "Eve" Alicia Anderson 
June 13, 1970 - November 17, 2016

Evelyn Alicia Stadeager Anderson was a remarkable person. You cannot understand Eve’s life simply by setting out her biographical details. She was the best friend, the most devoted daughter, the wisest counselor, the funniest storyteller, the worst influence, and the most entertaining person I ever knew. She was bossy and irreverent while remaining kind and compassionate. She surprised us all by her early departure on November 17, as she was usually the last to leave anywhere, especially if she was having fun, and things were always fun when Eve was around. She was constantly saying, “Don’t go yet!”

I know we would all love to say that to her now.

Eve was an exceedingly family oriented person. After her beloved stepfather, Benjamin “Ben” Chapman Hebert, II passed away in 1990, she stayed home to help raise her brother Benjamin Chapman “Chap” Hebert, III. Later she continued to live with her mother Virginia “Ginger” Hoskins Hebert, eventually becoming her primary caretaker after Ginger was diagnosed with cancer in 2008. Eve was blessed with close relationships to both Ginger and Chap. She was also especially close to her Aunts Nancy Hoskins Epley and Jan Hoskins Ross, her Uncle Woody Hoskins, and all of her darling cousins. Some of Eve’s fondest memories were of time spent with her family at her grandparents’ lake house in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Although he has resided in Denmark most of her life, Eve had a special relationship with her father, Nils Stadeager-Andersen. In the last few years, she grew closer to her brother Geoffrey Stadeager of Houston, Texas. Nils and Geoffrey were able to visit Eve during her illness, bringing Eve’s youngest brother Peter Stadeager-Andersen with them. This special moment was the first and only occasion all the siblings were in the same room at the same time.  

Eve had a remarkable ability to make friends. One might even call it her superpower. She started collecting lifelong friends as a small child and continued to add more throughout every stage of her life. During her years at St. Anne Catholic School, All Saints Episcopal School, and The Colorado Springs School, Eve made many of the friends who loved and cared for her literally until the day she died. Eve never stopped adding to her circle of friends, continuing to make them up until the last days of her life.  

Her friends and family also continued to add to Eve’s circle of loved ones. When her friends and family had children, Eve gained a whole new set of admirers. She was involved from day one with resolute opinions on how to name these new members of her tribe. Her advice and wise counsel over the years made all of us better parents. Eve loved children deeply, and the feeling was mutual. At times we all had the experience of our children preferring Eve’s company to our own. She was beloved by all the children in her life, especially by her six godchildren: Mark Petkovsek, Jr., Carolina Phillips, Eleanor Andrews, Ella Mast, Griffin Dubnansky, and Jack Bassana.

Eve was always present for the people she loved. She claimed her ADHD made her completely present because she was incapable of focusing on the future. Whatever the reason, Eve was the best listener around. She really took the time to hear others and then proceeded to give the best advice imaginable. She enjoyed being the authority on things, and even if she was completely wrong, she was so convincing, everyone believed her anyway.

Eve channeled this ability to be present and to truly care and guide others into her life’s work. She received a Bachelor of Social Work and a Masters of Education from Lamar University, eventually becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor. She was proud of her practice at the Family and Psychological Center in Orange, Texas, her work with Girl’s Haven, and her early work as a child advocate for CASA. Eve touched countless lives through her counseling practice. Her capacity for empathy, calming words, and reasoned advice will be sorely missed.

Eve was also a firm believer in service to her community. She volunteered in the Junior League of Beaumont, the Symphony League of Southeast Texas, the Neches River Festival, CASA, Garth House, and Anayat House. She served on the boards of many of these organizations, always valued for her quick wit, sharp mind, and novel point of view.

One of Eve’s biggest joys was her membership in the Magnolia Garden Club. She was an impressively active member and was honored to serve on its board and to chair its most financially successful fundraiser in the club’s long history.

Travel was another of Eve’s greatest loves. She took fabulous trips over the years with friends, family, and the Magnolia Garden Club. Her knowledge of “the best place to stay” or “the best restaurant” was always impeccable. 

She particularly loved traveling with Ginger, Chap, and close family friend David Davis, taking spectacular trips to New York City, France, and Santa Fe, to name a few. Eve also took fantastic trips with her friends. In the last decade alone, she traveled to New York City, Chicago, Savannah, Colorado Springs, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, New Orleans, Santorini, and Corfu. (She even managed to fit in a trip to see the original cast of “Hamilton” on Broadway!) To say she packed a lot of life into her 46 years would be an understatement. 

Time was Eve’s most valuable asset, and she was generous with it. She spent her time on the things that mattered most to her. She was also a notorious procrastinator, often late to events such as weddings of funerals. This was particularly troublesome when she was your ride.

Eve was always ready for a last-minute trip, a late dinner, or just a long visit. She was happy to dance the night away in celebration or talk you through a crisis and prepare you to cope with the rough patches of life. She delighted in telling and retelling the same old funny stories.

If Eve had known how short her life would be, I don’t believe she would have changed a thing. I know that the angels are laughing and dancing with her in heaven. And I am sure it will be a better place with Eve’s brand of “light misbehaving.”

We love you, Evie, and we can’t wait to catch up with you again.

In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to one of the following: Girls’ Haven, Anayat House, or CASA.



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