Stanley J. Ducote 
August 28, 1921 - January 10, 2013
melissa ducote (Brookeland, TX)

The mold was broke after Stanley was born.Stubborn as a mule,cheaper than Jack Benny,could out talk any women[except me,he always said I talk too much LOL],loved people,food.cajun music and dancing,fishing.and football.He worked hard and provided a comfortable life for his family. He was the only man i knew who would pull a ruler out and measure his grass to know when he wanted it cut,and do not be late for dinner if you did not want to have your rear chewed out because dinner was at noon[he was promptly hungry so be prompt if you was smart]and he had no patience for tardiness.He truly enjoyed get togethers with family and friends.He loved vegetable gardens and PEPPER plants.He carried hot peppers in his shirt pocket a lot and would pull one or two out for strangers[they were no longer strangers after that] and toss them to them,He loved Blanche so much and her passing is the only time I ever seen him shed tears.,I think it more than coincidence that Blanche passed on Jan.9,2009 and he passed Jan,10,2013.Maybe Granny asked the Lord to bring him home to her and God said yes..THANK YOU to all the friends and family who loved them and made their life here memorable.THANKS to Annette for making his illness easier to bear because he enjoyed your attention and love.I especially want to thank my children for taking care of Granny and him through all the years they asked for help and you all did with respect and unconditional love.A special thanks to my daughter who took care of him when no one else could or would.You have made me proud of you and I know your Dad is proud of you and your brothers for the respect and love you all have shown his parents.Love to all,may God bless you.Sure going to miss my conversations on the phone with grandpa and his picking on my loud voice and too much talking ,Godspeed grandpa,kiss Granny and Jimmy for us .Until we meet again,memories of you all,our family.will keep us warm, Love Melissa[daughter in law by marriage,daughter by love]
Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Jennifer, Brandon, Nicholas and Jasmine Hotchkiss (Nederland, TX)

|Grandpa, you know I love you dearly. I am going to miss you somethin' terrible, but I know that you are home where you belong now, alongside your beautiful Blanche, in Heaven with Jesus. You were a wonderful grandfather to me and my children, and I will treasure all of the time we spent together. I am so thankful that you needed me these last few years. If you had not, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to spend so muche time with you. I know now that I needed you just as much, if not more, than you needed me. I will miss our car rides together, especially you sitting beside me telling me what streets to take to get to where we were going, and to be careful, but for Heaven's sake, do not be late!!!! Oh........boy, I am going to miss you so!!! With all my love, Jennifer
Monday, January 14, 2013


Jd & Debbie Matt (Nederland, TX)

Stanley was a great person and Grand Knight. He will be greatly missed. Prayers to the family and friends.
Monday, January 14, 2013


Annette Daniels (Port Arthur, TX)

I going to miss you Bubba who is going to fuss at me now. you will always have a place in my Heart Love You Bubba Rest in Peace

Monday, January 14, 2013


Leslie Thane ()

Thank goodness for facebook or I, as your granddaughter, wouldnt have even known. I am sorry we didnt remain close through the years. I have and always will love you no matter what others think. You and Granny were there for me my whole life. I couldnt imagine what would have happen to me without the 2 of you. I hope you are at peace and please give granny all my love. Everything changed when she passed. RIP Love Leslie and Kirk
Monday, January 14, 2013


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