Joe Barina, Jr. 
June 11, 1947 - November 9, 2016
Brian Probst (Lumberton, TX)

I am so sad. Not for you,but for me. You were a great brother in Christ and a great example for me to strive to live up to. I know you are with our Lord now and you won't have any more suffering.
Friday, November 11, 2016


Steve & Donna (North Richland Hills, TX)

Our hearts are with you. We know Joe is happier than we can imagine being able to see Jesus face to face. Joe is getting a lot of hugs and kisses from our loved ones who have gone on before us. You are in our daily thoughts and prayers.
We love you!

Friday, November 11, 2016


Sharlene Mullikin (Houston, TX)

I am so sorry for the loss of Joe. I know he is with our God and has served him to the fullest. My heart and prayers are with you, I know you will miss him, we all will. Be in peace knowing he is with our wonderful Lord.

Love you,
Sharlene Mullikin

Friday, November 11, 2016


Howard Hanchett (Port Arthur, TX)

Reatha and Family,

Joe was a wonderful man. His many kindnesses toward me will never be forgotten. Reatha, when I started working at Long's Warehouse Furniture I was an employee, but you and Joe made me feel like family. I'm honored to have known Joe and it is with much sadness that I must bid him farewell.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Don Jeffcoat (Beaumont, TX)

My deepest sympathies to the Barina family. Joe and I worked together for quite a number of years. I last saw him in Home Depot this summer. We laughed and joked about our aches and pains. My last memory of him is a smile on his face. Rest in peace, Joe!
Friday, November 11, 2016


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