The Honorable James Donald McNicholas 
April 23, 1918 - October 13, 2016
Ashley Crim Boyd (Nashville, TN)

Most called him Judge, but I called him Granddad. Growing up as a dear friend of Alex and the entire McNicholas family, this was the lens in which I saw him though. I will always have fond memories of Granddad that involve beach trips, sleeping in late and being picked on for that, always knowing there was a joke or jab just around the corner in most conversations, and expecting that he would genuinely want to know what was going on in my life. That curiosity and interest in me throughout the years never changed. The irony is that although I knew he was a highly respected man, until today I never really fully grasped the extent of his service and dedication to so many causes. He was just Granddad to me. This speaks volumes of his humbleness and ability to live a life connected to his family and friends. I will miss him very, very much!
Monday, October 17, 2016


Ed Edson III (Beaumont)

Great Friends...through Generations, with many in The Future; may I respectfully extend our family's condolences.
Super Beach Neighbors, childhood and college friends, etc; Graham especially to you...may this sadness soon be only a memory and You and Yours soon be back to all of your families fantastic outpouring of fun, friendship, and generosity...that Mac displayed and enjoyed so much.

Ed Edson III, et al

Monday, October 17, 2016


Jimmie Jay Jackson (Beaumont, TX)

The Honorable James D. McNicholas was a friend of my families throughout my childhood. Bruce held him in the highest esteem. He lived a life of honor, dignity and unselfish community service. Sadly, Beaumont has lost a supporter and advocator.

Graham, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Your positive memories will get you through the rough times.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


June Jordan (Sour Lake, TX)

My prayers go out to the family of this wonderful man. I met Judge Mac for the first time when I started working for Municipal Court in 2004. I enjoyed working with him and he will be missed. God Bless Your Honor.



Saturday, October 15, 2016


Yolanda Tamayo (Beaumont, TX)

It was a honor working with you at Municipal Court. I found that your bark was worse than your bite. You always had a gleam in your eye and you were always ready for work. You'll be missed.
Saturday, October 15, 2016


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