Bonnie Marie Cokinos 
January 27, 1934 - September 27, 2016
Patty Burmeister (Beaumont, TX)

I was very sad to read about Bonnie's death. I took dancing with her at Miss Judith's and then my daughter, Janell, took from Bonnie. She was the nicest, kindness lady. She certainly influenced a lot of young ladies in this area. I know she will be missed. Andre' and Stacie, I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Monday, October 3, 2016


Dinah Beasley Walters (Beaumont, TX)

Thank you for allowing me to be a chaperone at rhe dance con comventions and for giving my daughter her love of dance.

Deep peace of the running waves to you

DinahRhea Walters

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Arlene Hoffer (The Woodlands, TX)

I was privileged to have my daughter Stephanie Hoffer as a student in Bonnies classes. I also knew her personally. What a great gracious and wonderful teacher and person. A special light left us on September 27, 2016.
Sunday, October 2, 2016


Fantasy Moore-Serratt Reynolds (Fort Worth, TX)

Dearest Stacie & Andre,

I am thinking of you both. Thank you for sharing your beautiful mother with all of us who had the privilege to dance under her direction. We were a family and she was our second mother. At the studio there was always such a positive energy! How could we forget her perfect posture, her commanding claps, her love of life and dance! Because of her drive and expectations, we learned to push ourselves, keep our heads high, and always smile until the curtain closed. She will always be remembered for her grace, charm, and elegant presence.

Much love,

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Linda Beth Palumbo Perry (Humble, TX)

So sorry to have read of Bonnie's passing. I am one of Miss. Judith's past students and danced with Bonnie for many years in recitals, at Ft. Polk in Louisiana entertaining the military, Dogwood Festival, etc. The list is too long for everything we shared. I had to put away my dance shoes long before Bonnie as Multiple Sclerosis took the ability to dance away from me. I remember those dance days with Bonnie with fond memories. Take comfort in the fact that she is with Jimmie and her parents at peace in the presence of God.
Saturday, October 1, 2016


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