Bonnie Marie Cokinos 
January 27, 1934 - September 27, 2016
Annie McQuitty (Manhattan Beach, CA)

Dear Stacie, Andre and Family,
Thank you for sharing your Mom with me for nearly 30 years. From the very first time I met Miss Bonnie, she was kind and generous with her time, her wisdom and her friendship to me. Whenever I needed advise for my little business, she was my first call. So generous.
Her work was simply lovely... always.... a standard for studios from around the world to reach for.
Mister Jimmie came to Dance Excellence many times in the early years, and always made Miss Bonnie and I giggle with his wit and charm. Although my heart is aching, I am happy that they are together again... an amazing love story.
I have so many beautiful memories of our times together... I will cherish them forever.
Sending love and hugs,

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Stephanie Estelle Allen (Beaumont, TX)

I first saw Miss Bonnie dance at a performance at Lamar University in 1976. She portrayed the sun. She made a slow circle across the stage entirely on pointe. She was radiant. She was the epitome of grace and elegance to the very end. I would automatically stand up straight when I would see her out in public. She will be greatly missed by the dance community, the Beaumont community, and anyone who ever met her.
Thursday, September 29, 2016


Melonie (Beaumont, TX)

Miss Bonnie taught ballet at Lumberton Elm. in 1970.
She came to a class of little girls, stood on one leg while holding the other leg next to her ear! We all gasped and signed up.She taught us proper posture, how to walk and be graceful little ladies.We even had a couple of little boys whose mothers forced them to come to class.She taught us life lessons that I never for got.She was gentle, kind and the complements meant so much.Lovely lovely lady.

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Margaret P Green (Beaumont, TX)

Dear Andre, Stacy, and extended family
What a lovely woman. As gracious as she was grace filled.
Please accept my most heartfelt awareness of your grief.
Ed and I will keep her and you in our prayers.
Maybe they are greeting each other right now!
Thank God for our faith.
Matgaret Green

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Ramon Quinn Ramirez (New York City, NY)

Dearest Andre and Stacie,
Your mother had been in my dreams for the past several weeks. Monday night I had a dream so vivid I felt she was beside me. We had just finished a Ballet class and she invited me to lunch as we frequently did. When the food arrived she quickly rejected it as they served us with paper napkins and plastic forks. We promptly left and with a big smile she instructed me to tip the waiter. dumfounded I did. She never broke her composure or smile as she proclaimed, "Ramon, while the service was undignified it is even more undignified to not help one less fortunate than yourself". While it sounds hokey, the dream speaks volumes of this great Lady who spent her life giving to those less fortunate than herself. The countless girls and boys, the arts community and her beloved city Beaumont. she made me proud to call it my home. I guess I am rattling as her death has shaken me to the core. Her influence on my life and the help and love she bestowed upon me will never be forgotten. Dear great Lady I salute you, your life and only know that your generous spirit and kindness will be carried on through you two wonderful children Andre and Stacie. I hope the angels are ready and warmed up for their Ballet class. Farwell dear Lady and friend, The world has lost a truly great human being.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ramon Quinn Ramirez

Thursday, September 29, 2016


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