Edward "Ed" Hartman Green 
October 23, 1935 - September 20, 2016
Ed Collins (College Station, TX)

Man, I am going to miss Ed. Prayers for peace and comfort. Rest in peace my friend.
Saturday, September 24, 2016


Cammy McMahon Baer (Edina)

Dear Aunt Margaret and dear Green cousins and families-
I wish I could be with you today as you celebrate Uncle Ed's full life. I will always remember my Uncle Ed's kindness to me and my Minnesota siblings. God Bless him and his courageous battle. Please know that your Minnesota family is praying for you all.
Lots of love
Cousin Cammy

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Kraig Spivey (Kountze, TX)

John 10: 27-30: My sheep hear my voice. and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are one.

Ed has heard the Shepherd's voice and followed Him home.

My prayers are with you all.

Your Cousin,

Thomas Kraig Spivey & family

Friday, September 23, 2016


Bill and Judy Quick (Austin, TX)

We are so sorry to hear of the passing of Ed.

Ed is one of those individuals who in the course of my life has made a profound and indelible mark. I am who I am to a great degree because of Ed's influence. He was a man of faith as well as a man of the law. He was a superb friend and mentor. I could never have reached the level of success practicing law without his presence and guidance. We were not only partners in the practice of law, but great friends also.

One of the many, many great memories I have of Ed is when we won the City Doubles Handball Championship together one year. His whole family was there to cheer us on. Ed was the comensurate family man and was always bragging on his children.

We shared many experiences as good friends do. He has always been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be so. My life has been enriched by his presence and I will be eternally grateful.

Friday, September 23, 2016


Joe and Linda Finley (Beaumont, TX)

Being your neighbor for more than 40 years has been a joy for us. Joe and I were so honored to get to play a part in the care and raising of Sassy and Bat Cat when they just began to walk! We loved them, but gladly returned them to your special care when you returned from a trip! You were such a kind man, and took care of many Mama cats and her kittens. Not to mention, raising a beautiful family.
Rest in peace. We will be looking in on sweet Margaret!!
Joe and Linda Finley

Friday, September 23, 2016


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