Reverend Avery Oswalt 
July 25, 1927 - June 17, 2016
Lequitta Oswalt Brister (Beaumont, TX)

We knew this day was coming, we just didn't know when. It's a bittersweet day as my family lays The Patriarch to rest. Things will never be the same without my Papa here to lean on.
I'm not at all ashamed to say he was my hero and the standard by which I measured most men.
From my earliest memories, Papa was my main man! If I was sick, it was my Papa I wanted to pray for me. Seven years ago, I had to have surgery and I was terrified. Papa & Granny (and Trelayne!) came to the surgery center and prayed for me and stayed with me until they wheeled me to the OR... if they hadn't been there, I would have been a complete wreck.
I legitimately got my stubbornness from him.... once he made up his mind about anything, there was no room for negotiation. I've been told countless times that I was "just like Avery". Well, I can think of worse things!
Sadly, there were still do many things I didn't get to learn from him. He was a pit master before it was popular. He made the most divine steak, cooked perfectly medium rare. One simply didn't ruin a good piece of beef by overcooking it. He also made the best smoked sausages and salmon.
Driving his boat in Puget Sound as an elementary age girl was just one way he made me feel capable and special. There were many days spent on that cabin cruiser, snacking on summer sausage, crackers and cheese and one of his faves, Vienna sausages.
As a pastor, he held his family to a very high standard. He lived what he preached always and expected the same of us.
In his twilight years, we saw changes in him. He became more merciful and and he watched his grandchildren with their children, he admired their parenting style and even vocalized that he wished he had been more like they were. If he got extra gruff, he'd apologize and ask forgiveness if he thought he hurt our feelings.
He and all of us granddaughters would joke that we were "perfect", but he knew we were really all just striving for perfection through our Savior.
I'm going to miss him more than I can even imagine, for certain. It's hard to believe that the earth continues to spin and that the sun shines with the powerful force of my Papa absent. My only comfort is that his absence here means he is present with the Lord.
Jesus, please hold him close and love him a little extra for me.
#PapaOswalt #ifheavenwasntsofaraway

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


LeeRoy and Waki Devillier (Pacific, WA)

Our thoughts and prayers are with y'all. We love you Bro. Oswalt and will never forget you.
Thank you for all that you taught us.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


LeeRoy and Waki Devillier (Pacific, WA)

Our heartfelt condolences to the family. Bro. Oswalt has earned his reward and was a wonderful preacher of the apostolic doctrine. He has fought a good fight and has kept the faith and now is at rest with the Lord.
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
Thank you for all that you taught us.
The Devillier family.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Linda & Jerry Davenport (Nashville, TN)

Our Hearts, and prayers, are with the family. Our memories go back, many years, when we were in the state of Washington.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Ed Collins (Beaumont, TX)

I really enjoyed getting to know Reverend Oswalt and his beautiful wife. Condolences and prayers.

Dr. Ed Collins

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


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