Arlene K. Smith 
February 2, 1929 - August 19, 2015
Robbie Wall (punkin) (Beaumont, TX)

My Nanny, oh so many memories, where to begin? Well first of all there are so many wonderful memories and not enough pen or papern in the world to write them down. You were so loved and respected by so many people. You fed and cared for everyone like they were your family and never asked for anything in return. You were the Matriarch to our family and there will never be another one. You were the one constant in my life and to not have you here to talk with on the phone is devastating! I hold all of your recipes in my head, thank you for teaching me how to cook and to keep a clean house. Thank you for teaching me to always shine my faucets and sinks! Thank you for teaching me how to love and to go after what I want even if it means swallowing my pride. When I lost you, I lost not just a grandmother but a best friend, a confidant and the only mother who ever really cared about me! You taught me to walk in a room like I owned the place, to hold my head up and never let them see you sweat and I do just that. I strive daily to be like you and to make you proud, I believe you would be very proud! I miss our talks and our discussions on what Victor is up to in your programs. To be your granddaughter was and still is truly an honor that no one can take from me. What I wouldn't give to have one more pound cake waiting for me fresh out of the oven with a cold glass of milk on the table. I find comfort in knowing that you are not only with God but you are finally with your mother who you missed for so many decades! I also know my daddy and my papaw were waiting at the pearly gates with arms wide open! I will see you again when I get to Heaven, I know you already have a bedroom just for me in your mansion over the hilltop. Thank you again for teaching me love, how to give it and how to receive it, without you and what you taught me, I would be nothing! Your love was unconditional and that nanny was the best gift of all. I love you, until we meet again, love punkin.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Hannah (Kountze)

If I was to sit here and type memories I'd be here for hours. But just to share a few, I remember you waking me up for school and cooking me breakfast every morning. Coming to my grandparents breakfast at school with Henry. I remember going on trips in you and Paw Paw Smiths motor home. You'd always buy me lunchables at the store and it made me feel so special. And is going to the bread store in Beaumont, I loved it for some odd reason. All the holdiays we had at your house were amazing. You taught me not to take any crap from any one, and I don't. I wish I could have seen you one more time before you got bad. I love you, Nanny. You're the most amazing woman I've ever had in my life. 22 years with you wasn't enough, but I guess since the world had you for 86, I'll stop being selfish. And thank you for always being there for me. No questions asked, no matter what time. You loved me and I never doubted it. I hope you're having fun with pawpaw in heaven, I know how much you missed him.
Friday, September 4, 2015


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