John L. "Larry" French 
October 26, 1960 - April 2, 2015
Janis (Willis, TX)

I am so sad to hear that Larry passed away. Larry was a very special person. Always smiling and kind hearted. My prayers go out to.Lien and John and Larry's other family members. I know that you loved him very much and that he was very proud of all of you.
Monday, April 6, 2015


Greg Miller (Beaumont, TX)

R.I.P. Larry - Great Jr. High memories. Never forget Larry kicking the dust up on his Yamamha 175.
Monday, April 6, 2015


Marvin Jackson (Houston, TX)

I started the 1st grade with Larry and was friends with him until I moved away after Jr. High. I seem to remember he showed up at school the first day by himself on bicycle. I thought what a cool guy showing up by himself on the first day. It was then at 6 years old the Larry I met was the same Larry all through childhood. If you knew Larry you knew he was a fighter!
I was there for his first two fights in the first grade. (I’ll withhold the names to protect them from any embarrassment.) The first one was on the playground at recess. The second was one the way home from school one day. My father had picked me up from school that day and we were driving home. My dad stopped as he saw two kids fighting in the ditch on the side of the road. As we stopped my dad said “damn someone taught that kid how to fight!” (at 6 years old) Anyway dad hollered at them to get up and go home. When Larry got up that’s when we saw Larry get up and there were not one but two kids Larry had pinned down and was going to work on.
Larry was always fearless I never saw him back down from a good fight and there were several over the years. On the other side of the coin he was one of the nicest guys in the world and if you were his friend he would do anything in the world for you.
In the 8th grade in gym class one day coach Bishop showed us all some football game footage of Larry. He was the team fullback and a damn good one. The reason coach showed us that film was to motivate people to never give up persevere even when it seems hopeless. The play in particular was a running play straight up the middle to Larry. They gave the ball to Larry and he plowed up the middle, no help from his front line. Larry hit a wall of defensive players and drove through with no help from his own line. He plowed through 6 or 7 seven defensive players to score a touchdown. The only thing I can draw a similarity to is watching Earl Campbell run.
I have thought about Larry many times over the years and wondered how he was doing. Every time I watched Mike Tyson fight I thought “that could have been Larry”! He was that good of an athlete. I haven’t seen Larry since we were 14. I hope life was good to him and I wanted to let his family know what a special friend he was to me when we were growing up. What a great guy. I know you will all miss him very much. While in church for the Easter Sunday service, I offered the service for my old friend Larry. I played a song for him while I contemplated old times. Jamey Jameson’s “Lead Me Home”. It just seemed fitting for a guy like Larry. My condolences to all of the family may God Bless you all.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Guy Venable (beaumont, TX)

hate havnt seen larry but still thought of him as a friend rest in peace bro.
Sunday, April 5, 2015


Pam Porter (Bmt)

my prayers are with your family. May God comfort you through this time
Sunday, April 5, 2015


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