David Michael Ciampo 
August 14, 1945 - December 3, 2014
James Dunn (Houston, TX)

Ciampo Family and Friends,

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I had the pleasure of working with Dave on a couple of matters. He was such a sharp, funny and interesting guy to work with. I know he was very committed to his work and the great amount of good that BHA was doing.

Monday, December 8, 2014


glenda nobles ()

So sorry to hear about your loss... call if you need to talk...
Always a friend...Glenda

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Robert L. Reyna (Beaumont, TX)

Ciampo Family

I will miss Dave, not just for his excellent work, but for his presence in our lives every day and for all the joy he brought into it. I pray that you all will find peace and comfort in all of the kind words and thoughts being shared with you in this guest book.

Dave was never one to seek the limelight in any of the major achievements of our agency. His quiet confidence about such things shouted volumes of the character and type of man he was. He was humble, honorable, selfless, respectful, courteous and always ready to take on new project challenges as well as to challenge all of us to do and be better!

During his years with BHA he helped our agency raise almost $200 million dollars in new grants for construction programs and increased resident programs and services. He also managed an annual operating budget of $13 to $15 million dollars. For the past 10 to 12 years every one of his financial management audits came out as "Unqualified", which in the accounting world translates into a rating of "Excellent".

Any time we would receive letters telling us we won a new grant or that he had a perfect financial audit, while the rest of us were shouting and celebrating, Dave would quietly sit in the background smiling, but with a look that said, isn't that what was supposed to happen?!?

Dave had the wisdom of Solomon, a heart full of cheer like that of a child, a rapier wit and the most endearing, yet mischievous, twinkle in his eye!!! I just hope St. Peter has his books in order at the Pearly Gates, because Dave just may want to audit them for good measure!

We all will miss him terribly, but I will always think of him and imagine him in heaven now jamming with all the great singers and musicians that have gone before him that he so loved to listen at work. Of course, they all may be telling him just to "hum along and try to stay on tempo" while he does it!!!

Dave was not just a BHA Employee or just our Comptroller, he was one of my closest advisers, and my friend.

Rest in Peace my Consigliere!

Robert L. Reyna
Executive Director
Beaumont Housing Authority

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Cindy Ciampo (Cranford, NJ)

To All of Dave's Family,
Our roots run pretty deep in this family -- deep enough to hold and see us through to a better day.

We have lost someone very special who touched our lives and hearts in everything he did. In his loving and caring ways, in the stories he told, in the memories and jokes he shared and with his amazing smile and sense of humor.

May it bring some comfort to know that nothing can diminish the wonderful ways Dave touched ours and so many others lives. The love and cherished memories shared will last many tomorrows and will remain forever.

He meant a lot to so many people, but to you and me he meant the world. I am so glad to have had him as a member of my family. He was like an older "brother" and I want you to know that he will never be forgotten. He will live on in our memories and in our hearts. He will always be a part of us.

As the days and years go by we will have more chances to see each other through the tough times and that is just what we will do because we are family.

Loving you all more than ever during this very sad time.


Sunday, December 7, 2014


Jim Ciampo (Cranford, NJ)

Chris, Stephanie, Andy, Will, Sheridan,

I certainly don't have to tell you what a great person Dave was. I have always felt like the luckiest guy in the world to have him as my 'big' brother. And I know he always felt like the luckiest guy in the world to be blessed with all of you in his life.

Love always

Sunday, December 7, 2014


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