Sammy Henry Modica
September 2, 1949 - August 26, 2016

Winnie, TX |
Friday, September 9, 2016 |
Words cannot express how much our sweet Uncle Sammy will be truly missed. So hard to believe that he is not here with us anymore, but we all know he is in Glory Land with our Lord & Savior, his Mother, Father, & Brother amongst other loved ones. We lift up our prayers to those loved ones left behind that are hurting during trying time. Aunt Yvonne, Sambo, Allison, Josh, Justin & his sweet granddaughter we love you & may our Lord take away your pain as he has gained another Angel in heaven.
Love you, Buddy & Debbie
Angela Modica Schwab
Littleton, CO USA |
Friday, September 9, 2016 |
Dear Aunt Yvonne, Sammy, Allison, Justin and Joshua,
My deepest thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time. I pray you somehow feel God's peace and strength during this extremely difficult time. Love to you all.
Angela (Modica), Ken, Michael, Ava and Sarah Schwab
Sandie Baima
Sulphur, |
Friday, September 9, 2016 |
You will be greatly missed by many! You have touched many lives including mine. I will miss your soft and kind demeanor. Prayers to your entire family as they heal from the loss of such a wonderful man.
Thursday, September 8, 2016 |
My sweet Brother has left to be with his beloved Master . We will all be seeing you in Heaven. One day
Your loving Sister, JoLena
Christina Modica-Salinas
San Antonio, TX |
Thursday, September 8, 2016 |
It is so hard to believe that my Uncle Sammy has passed on. It seemed he had so much life left to live.
But I take great comfort knowing that his death is not the end and that we will see him again. He has begun his new life in eternity with God our Father.
"Eyes have not seen, Ears have not heard, what God has ready for those who love Him."
I am lifting up Aunt Yvonne, Sammy Jr., Allison, Joshua, Justin, and the grandchildren up in prayers as they mourn this sudden loss. May you all feel God's comfort and peace during this time of great loss.
With love, Christina and Richard Salinas
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